Technology & Libraries

Return on Investment: OLC

Finding from Return on Investment of Ohio’s Public Libraries &Comparison with Other States, Howard Fleeter & Associates (April 2016):

  • Ohio has the second highest percentage of registered borrowers at
    77.7%, behind only Minnesota.
  • Ohio has the highest number of library transactions per capita in the
    country, utilizing library materials and services at a rate that is more than
    twice the national average.
  • Ohio also ranks first nationally in library visits per capita, averaging 7.5
    visits per year for each person.
  • While Ohio public libraries provide an extensive array of services to
    patrons, they also do so in a cost effective manner. Ohio has one of the
    lowest costs per library transaction, ranking 41st nationally and well below
    the national average cost.
  • Ohio’s public libraries provided nearly $2.7 billion in direct economic value
    (or “benefit”) to Ohio residents in 2014.
  • When the economic benefit above is compared with statewide total
    operating expenditures of $687.5 million, the ROI from Ohio’s public
    libraries in 2014 was 3.89. This means that for every $1 spent by public
    libraries in Ohio, $3.89 in benefit was delivered to Ohio residents.
  • When economic multiplier effects are included, each $1 spent by Ohio
    public libraries returns a total economic value of $5.48 to Ohioans.